
Showing posts from September, 2011

Hidden Histories reviewed on ISR

Read the symposium review posted on Interdisciplinary Science Reviews Postings on twitter

Hidden Histories at University College London

HIDDEN HISTORIES: SYMPOSIUM ON METHODOLOGIES FOR THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING IN THE HUMANITIES, C1949-1980 A one-day symposium at University College London, 17 September 2011. (Sponsored by HKFZ and UCLDH ) Speakers include: Opening Keynote: Beyond chronology and profession: discovering how to write a history of the Digital Humanities, Willard McCarty, Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London; Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney. Knowledge Spaces and Digital Humanities, Claudine Moulin, Universitaet Trier, Germany Unwriting the history of Humanities Computing, Edward Vanhoutte, Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature - Ghent, Belgium Crowd sourcing: beyond the traditional, boundaries of academic history, Melissa Terras, Dept. Information Studies, UCL Different stories to be lived and told: recovering Lehmann James Oppenheimer (1868-1916) for the narrative of the Irish Arts & Crafts movement (1894-1925), James G.R. Cr