
Showing posts from December, 2020

Pandemic Pedagogy #5: teaching, learning and leadership in a time of pandemic and beyond

I reflect on how an emphasis on care has emerged as an active response to "pandemic pedagogy" through four themes that resonate within the emerging academic literature: 1.  Rethinking teaching : the need to rethink traditional course content delivery due to social distancing has resulted in teachers taking on roles as designers of learning. This process has accelerated from March to December 2020 as the first and second waves of the pandemic resulted in government restrictions to work and education. Even before the pandemic, traditional transmissive teaching methods had been challenged and student-oriented approaches to teaching and learning were especially being advocated within the international scholarship of teaching and learning with students-as-partners as a good example of this model. The need to practically facilitate courses online has resulted in reimagining the role of the teacher as a “guide on the side” rather than a “sage on the stage.” In turn, this shift has a